Unleashing the Power of MS Word Macro Editor: Referencing a Sub from a Different Project from within Normal() Module
Image by Garlin - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of MS Word Macro Editor: Referencing a Sub from a Different Project from within Normal() Module

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Are you tired of duplicating code in your MS Word macro projects? Do you want to create a library of reusable subs that can be accessed from any project? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to reference a sub from a different project from within the Normal() module in MS Word Macro Editor.

Why Reference a Sub from a Different Project?

There are several reasons why you might want to reference a sub from a different project:

  • Code Reusability**: By creating a library of reusable subs, you can avoid duplicating code and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Modularity**: Breaking down your code into smaller, independent modules makes it easier to maintain and update.
  • Faster Development**: With a library of pre-written subs, you can focus on new projects rather than rewriting code.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have:

  • MS Word 2007 or later
  • The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) installed and enabled
  • Basic understanding of VBA programming

Step 1: Create a New Project

Create a new MS Word project by opening a new document and pressing Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Creating a New Module

In the VBE, create a new module by clicking Insert > Module or by pressing Alt + F11 again. Rename the module to something descriptive, such as Library.

Step 2: Create the Subroutine

Create a new subroutine in the Library module. For this example, we’ll create a simple sub that returns the current date:

Sub GetCurrentDate()
    MsgBox Date
End Sub

Step 3: Save the Project

Save the project by clicking File > Save or by pressing Ctrl + S. Make sure to save the project in a location that’s easily accessible.

Step 4: Create a New Project

Create a new MS Word project by opening a new document and pressing Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Creating a New Module

In the VBE, create a new module by clicking Insert > Module or by pressing Alt + F11 again. Rename the module to something descriptive, such as Main.

Step 5: Reference the External Project

In the Main module, click Tools > References and then click Browse. Navigate to the location of the saved project from Step 3 and select the .dotm file.

The References dialog box should now display the external project:

Project Description
Library The external project containing the GetCurrentDate subroutine

Step 6: Call the External Subroutine

In the Main module, create a new subroutine that calls the GetCurrentDate subroutine from the external project:

Sub CallExternalSub()
    Application.Run "Library.GetCurr	entDate"
End Sub

Understanding the Application.Run Method

The Application.Run method is used to run a macro from a different project. The syntax is as follows:

Application.Run "Project.Module.Subroutine"

In this example, we’re telling MS Word to run the GetCurrentDate subroutine from the Library module in the external project.

Step 7: Test the Code

Click Run > Run Sub/User Form or press F5 to run the CallExternalSub subroutine. You should see a message box displaying the current date:


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to reference a sub from a different project from within the Normal() module in MS Word Macro Editor. By following these steps, you can create a library of reusable subs that can be accessed from any project, reducing code duplication and increasing development speed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while following this tutorial, here are some common solutions:

  • Error 424: Object Required: Make sure you’ve saved the external project and referenced it correctly.
  • Error 438: Object Doesn’t Support This Property or Method: Check that the subroutine is public and not private.

Best Practices

To get the most out of referencing external subs, follow these best practices:

  • Use Descriptive Names**: Use descriptive names for your modules, subs, and projects to avoid confusion.
  • Document Your Code**: Document your code using comments and descriptions to make it easier for others to understand.
  • Test Thoroughly**: Test your code thoroughly to ensure it works as expected.

By following this guide and practicing good coding habits, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and maintainable MS Word macro projects.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on MS Word Macro Editor – Referencing a Sub from a different Project from within Normal() Module!

Q: Can I reference a Sub from a different project in the Normal module of my MS Word Macro Editor?

Yes, you can! You’ll need to set a reference to the other project in your VBA editor, then use the fully qualified name of the Sub to call it. For example, if the Sub is called `MySub` in a project called `MyProject`, you’d call it like this: `MyProject.MySub`.

Q: How do I set a reference to another project in the MS Word Macro Editor?

Easy peasy! In your VBA editor, go to Tools > References, then browse to the project you want to reference. Select it, click OK, and you’re good to go!

Q: What if the Sub I want to reference is in a different module within the same project?

No problem! You can still reference it using the fully qualified name of the Sub. For example, if the Sub is called `MySub` in a module called `MyModule`, you’d call it like this: `MyModule.MySub`.

Q: Can I reference a Sub from a different project in a different instance of MS Word?

Sorry, but no. You can only reference Subs within the same instance of MS Word. If you need to communicate between different instances, you’ll need to use a different approach, like using an external database or file to share data.

Q: Are there any security concerns I should be aware of when referencing Subs from other projects?

Good thinking! Yes, when referencing Subs from other projects, you’ll want to make sure you trust the source of the project and that it’s not malicious. Also, be aware of any sensitive data or functionality that might be exposed through the referenced Subs.