Mastering Contingency Tables for Rater Data without Values for One Rater: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Contingency Tables for Rater Data without Values for One Rater: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to create a contingency table for rater data when one rater is missing values? You’re not alone! This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to tackle this common challenge in statistical analysis. Follow along as we explore the what, why, and how of contingency tables for rater data without values for one rater.

What is a Contingency Table?

A contingency table, also known as a cross-tabulation table, is a statistical tool used to display the relationship between two categorical variables. In the context of rater data, a contingency table helps us understand the agreement between two or more raters who have evaluated a set of items or responses.

Why Use Contingency Tables for Rater Data?

  • Evaluate Rater Agreement: Contingency tables allow us to quantify the level of agreement between raters, which is essential in determining the reliability of the ratings.
  • Identify Rating Biases: By examining the contingency table, we can detect whether one rater is more lenient or harsh than others, which can impact the overall rating results.
  • Improve Rating Quality: Contingency tables help us identify areas where raters may need additional training or calibration to ensure consistent ratings.

The Challenge of Missing Values for One Rater

So, what happens when one of the raters is missing values for some or all of the items being evaluated? This is where things can get tricky. In this scenario, we can’t simply create a traditional contingency table, as it would be incomplete and potentially biased.

Why Can’t We Just Ignore the Missing Values?

Ignoring the missing values might seem like an easy solution, but it can lead to:

  • Bias in the Results: Excluding the missing values can distort the true agreement between raters, resulting in inaccurate conclusions.
  • Lack of Representation: By ignoring the missing values, we’re not accounting for the rater’s opinions, which can be essential in understanding the overall rating dynamics.

Creating a Contingency Table without Values for One Rater

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a contingency table for rater data without values for one rater:

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Organize your rater data into a table with the following structure:

Item ID Rater 1 Score Rater 2 Score
Item 1 4 3
Item 2 2 NA

In this example, Rater 2 is missing a score for Item 2, represented by “NA”.

Step 2: Create a Reduced Table

Exclude the rows with missing values for the problematic rater (Rater 2 in our example). This will create a reduced table with only the items that have complete data for all raters.

reduced_table = original_table[original_table['Rater 2 Score'].notna()]

Step 3: Calculate Agreement Metrics

Using the reduced table, calculate the agreement metrics between the remaining raters. For example, you can use Cohen’s kappa coefficient or the Fleiss’ kappa coefficient, depending on the type of data and the number of raters.

from statistics import kappa
kappa_value = kappa(reduced_table['Rater 1 Score'], reduced_table['Rater 2 Score'])
print("Cohen's Kappa:", kappa_value)

Step 4: Create a Contingency Table for the Reduced Data

Now, create a contingency table using the reduced data:

contingency_table = pd.crosstab(reduced_table['Rater 1 Score'], reduced_table['Rater 2 Score'])

The resulting contingency table will show the agreement between Rater 1 and Rater 2 for the items with complete data.

Interpreting the Contingency Table

When interpreting the contingency table, look for:

  • Main Diagonal: The cells on the main diagonal represent the instances where both raters agree. A high count on the main diagonal indicates strong agreement.
  • Off-Diagonal Cells: The cells off the main diagonal represent disagreements between the raters. Identify patterns or biases in these cells to understand where the raters may need additional training or calibration.


Creating a contingency table for rater data without values for one rater may seem daunting, but by following these steps, you can overcome this challenge and gain valuable insights into the agreement between your raters. Remember to exclude the missing values, calculate agreement metrics, and create a contingency table using the reduced data. By doing so, you’ll be able to identify areas of strength and weakness in your rating process, ultimately improving the quality of your ratings.

Happy analyzing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about contingency tables for rater data without values for one rater!

What is a contingency table, and how does it relate to rater data?

A contingency table is a statistical tool used to display the relationship between two or more categorical variables. In the context of rater data, a contingency table can be used to analyze the agreement or disagreement between two or more raters who have categorized a set of items or subjects into different categories. For example, if two doctors are rating patient symptoms as “mild,” “moderate,” or “severe,” a contingency table can show the frequency of each rating combination, such as “mild-mild,” “mild-moderate,” etc.

What happens when one rater is missing values for some items?

When one rater is missing values for some items, it can create a challenge in analyzing the rater data using a contingency table. In this case, you can’t simply exclude the missing data, as it may introduce bias and affect the accuracy of the analysis. One approach is to use a technique called pairwise deletion, where you only consider the pairs of ratings where both raters have provided a value. Another approach is to use imputation methods to fill in the missing values, but this requires careful consideration to avoid introducing artificial patterns.

How do I interpret the results of a contingency table for rater data without values for one rater?

When interpreting the results of a contingency table for rater data without values for one rater, you need to be cautious not to over-interpret the results. Look for patterns and trends in the data, such as the overall agreement or disagreement between the raters, but avoid drawing conclusions based on the missing values. You may also want to consider using additional statistics, such as Cohen’s kappa or the intraclass correlation coefficient, to quantify the level of agreement between the raters.

Can I use a contingency table to compare multiple raters with missing values?

Yes, you can use a contingency table to compare multiple raters with missing values, but it’s essential to be mindful of the complexity of the analysis. You may need to use advanced statistical techniques, such as multiple imputation or Bayesian methods, to account for the missing values. Additionally, consider using visualizations, such as heatmap or Sankey diagrams, to help illustrate the relationships between the raters and the missing values.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when working with contingency tables for rater data without values for one rater?

Some common mistakes to avoid when working with contingency tables for rater data without values for one rater include ignoring the missing values, assuming that the missing values are missing at random, or using incomplete or biased data. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the missing data mechanism and choose an appropriate method to handle the missing values to ensure the validity and reliability of the analysis.